CHAPTER P- 47, 1990


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Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                P.U. 1 (2000-2001)


      Application to amend the Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC) Policy approved by Order No. P.U. 7 (1997-98) pursuant to Section 41 of the Act.


      Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

      April 4, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                P.U. 2 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of  (i) revised distribution line cost  per metre for CIACs; (ii) revised distribution plant upgrade cost for CIACs; and (iii) revised CIAC cost factors.


      Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

      April 4, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                P.U. 3 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC) for a line extension to serve the Town of Stephenville.


      Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

      May 1, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                 P.U.4 (2000-2001)


      Application to vary an Order prescribing the conditions and compensation for the use by Glovertown Cable TV Ltd. of NP’s poles pursuant to Section 53 (2) of the Act.


      Approval granted:

1.       The rate that NP shall charge Glovertown Cable for the use of NP’s poles shall be calculated in accordance with the Formula as attached to the application forming part of Schedule “A” of the application;

2.       NP is not discharged from its obligation to supply Glovertown Cable with electricity in the event of non-payment of the amounts calculated in accordance with the Formula;

3.       The parties shall, within three weeks from the date herein, file with the Board an agreement reflecting the decisions of the Board as set out in this Order.  The rates shall become effective on the date that the Board approves of the content of the Agreement, or such date as the Board may deem appropriate; and

4.       The costs of this hearing shall be borne equally between the parties.

      Date Issued:

      May 1, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                               P.U. 5 (2000-2001)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (“Hydro”), pursuant to S. 38 of the Act, to abandon the Roddickton diesel generating plant.


1. Hydro is hereby authorized, under section 38 of the Public Utilities Act, to abandon the Roddickton diesel plant and to write off the undepreciated value of the assets that are no longer used and useful, subject to the following conditions:

(a) Hydro will put in place a supply of emergency power by November 1, 2000 in the amount of 1500 – 2000 kW, in addition to the mini-hydro plant, with any future discontinuance of this service to be authorized by the Board pursuant to an application by Hydro to be filed on or after July 1, 2003;

(b) Hydro will decide on the staffing it deems necessary in accordance with good management practice to make emergency power available on a timely basis;

(c) Outages, other than failures specific to the distribution system, which affect the area north of the terminal station in Hawke’s Bay, will be monitored, and a record kept of their causes, their duration and the number of customers affected, along with the complaints received and damage claims filed.  These records are to be summarized in a quarterly report to be filed with the Board, along with Hydro’s regular quarterly report, beginning with the third quarter in the year 2000.  In each quarterly report on the performance of the electrical system in the area north of Hawke’s Bay, Hydro will advise the Board of any generation units which have been relocated from, or into, the region for a period of more than 60 days and Hydro will advise whether such relocation has been undertaken as a temporary measure or on a permanent basis, along with the reasons therefore;

(d)    Hydro is to conduct a study into the reliability of the transmission line serving the Great Northern Peninsula and will identify the amount of emergency power required.  The study is to draw upon the information acquired by Hydro through the monitoring activities initiated pursuant to this Order.  The study will also identify the role of mobile, transportable, and fixed generation units and where these units should be placed, recognizing the history of reliability and the performance of the transmission lines.  This study shall be conducted by an independent consultant and the report should be submitted to the Board no later than July 1, 2003, reflecting the performance of the electrical system and its reliability up to May 31, 2003.

2. Hydro is hereby authorized, under section 38 of the Act, to include the 450 kW auxiliary diesel which was used within the Roddickton woodchip fired thermal plant as part of the plant covered by the authority to abandon given in P.U. 26 (1999-2000).  The previous Order is amended accordingly.

         3. Hydro will pay the costs of the Board.

      Date Issued:

      May 12, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                P.U. 6 (2000-2001)


      For approval of the balance of the weather normalization reserve as of December 31, 1999 pursuant to Sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act


      Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

      May 30, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                 P.U. 7 (2000-2001)


      For approval of Rate Stabilization and Municipal Tax Adjustments to be applied to the rates of Newfoundland Power Inc., for the period July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001 pursuant to Section 71 of the Act


      Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

      June 8, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                 P.U. 8 (2000-2001)


      Agreement filed on May 23, 2000, setting out the Rates and other matters relating to the pole attachments of Glovertown Cable, as ordered in P.U. 4 (2000-2001)  to vary and Order prescribing the conditions and compensation for the use by Glovertown Cable TV Ltd. (“Glovertown Cable”) of the Applicant’s poles pursuant to Section 53(2) of the Act.


1.       The Agreement is hereby approved  by the Board and shall be binding between the parties until either amended by the consent of the parties or altered by the Board.

2.       The Agreement shall be deemed to come into effect as of the date of this Order.

      Date Issued:

      June 9, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                P.U. 9 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval, pursuant to Section 41 of the Act, for the lease of computer equipment to upgrade office technology.


1.       Section A of P.U. 19 (1999-2000) is amended such that the figure for Upgrade Office Technology shall be $40,000.

2.       The Board approves the Applicant’s proposal to enter into a lease along the terms set out in Schedule A, attached hereto.

               Date Issued:

      June 16, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                P.U.10 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for Seasonal customers located on Goose Pond, east of Whitbourne.


Approval granted, as requested, pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act, for the  CIAC in the amount of $2,803.13, including HST, as calculated under the policy, as a result of a meeting of the Board.

               Date Issued:

      June 28, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                              P.U. 11 (2000-2001)


      For approval of a contribution in aid of construction for the supply of single phase electrical service to a pumphouse at Fleur-de-Lys, Newfoundland


Approval granted to the application of $35,300.00 for a contribution in aid of construction for the supply of single phase electrical service to a pumphouse at Fleur-de-Lys, Newfoundland.

               Date Issued:

      June 28, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                               P.U. 12 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) for a line extension to serve Seasonal Customers located on Beachy Cove Road near the community of Tors Cove pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act


      Approval granted, as follows:

1.       the CIAC in the amount of Three thousand seven hundred and three dollars ($3,703.00), including HST, for the five Group A customers;

2.       the CIAC in the amount of Four thousand six hundred twenty-three dollars and fifty-two cents ($4,623.52) including HST, for the six Group B customers;

3.       the suspension of refunds in accordance with Clause 6 of the Policy to the six Group B customers until the shortfall related to the deviation from the Policy is recovered,

               as a result of a meeting of the Board.

               Date Issued:

      July 7, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                               P.U. 13 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction for a line extension to serve Seasonal Customers located in an area known as Second Junction Pond, Jack’s Pond and Whelan’s Pond near Brigus Junction, pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act.


      Approval granted, as follows:

   - the CIAC in the amount of Five thousand three hundred seventh-three dollars and forty-two cents ($5,373.42), including HST, as calculated under the Policy,

               as a result of a meting of the Board.

               Date Issued:

      July 7, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                               P.U. 14 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction for a line extension to serve Rotary Club of Avalon Northeast, pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act.


      Approval granted, as follows:

- the CIAC in the amount of Three thousand eight hundred thirty-seven dollars and fifty-five cents ($3,837.55), including HST, as calculated under the Policy,

               as a result of a meeting of the Board

               Date Issued:

      July 7, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                               P.U. 15 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction for a line extension to serve NewTel Communications Inc., pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act.


      Approval granted, as follows:

- the CIAC in the amount of Two hundred twenty-eight thousand one hundred thirty dollars ($228,130), including HST, as calculated under the Policy,

               as a result of a meeting of the Board

               Date Issued:

      July 26, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 16 (2000-2001)


Application for approval of an amendment to Order P.U. 19 (1999-2000) pursuant to Section 41(3)(b) and 76 of the Act.


1.  Approval granted, as follows:

a.       the relocation of the diesel generator from St. Anthony to the Roddickton wood chip site;

b.       the modification of the black start system at St. Anthony to wok in the absence of the 850 kW mobile generator;

c.       the provision of protection/control devices and automated plant programming changes for St. Anthony; and

d.       the installation of additional tankage and the upgrading of the fuel system at the Roddickton Terminal Station; at a cost of $84,000.

2.  Order P.U. 19 (1999-2000), as amended by P.U. 9 (2000-2001), is hereby amended, mutates mutandis.

               Date Issued:

      July 31, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 17 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) for a line extension to serve the Town of Heart’s Delight-Islington (“the Customer”) pursuant to Section 41 (5) of the Act.


Approval granted, pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act for a contribution in aid of construction in the amount of Twenty-two thousand fifty-one dollars and twenty-five cents ($22,051.25), including HST, as calculated under the Policy.

               Date Issued:

      August 10, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 18 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) for a line extension to serve seasonal customers (“the Customers”) located at Old Man’s Pond, pursuant to Section 41 (5) of the Act.


Approval granted, pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act for a contribution in aid of construction in the amount of Four thousand one hundred sixty dollars and thirteen cents ($4,160.13), including HST, as calculated under the Policy.     

Date Issued:

      August 29, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 19 (2000-2001)


      Application for an Order rescinding Order No. P.U. 13 (2000-2001), pursuant to Section 76 of the Act, and approving a revised contribution in aid of construction for a line extension to serve Seasonal Customers located in an area known as Second Junction Pond, Jack’s Pond and Whelan’s Pond near Brigus Junction, pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act.


Approval granted

1. Pursuant to Section 76 of the Act, Order No. P.U. 13 (2000-2001) is rescinded; and

2(a) the CIAC in the amount of Five thousand sixty dollars and forty-six cents ($5,060.46), including HST, as calculated under the Policy; and

(b)    the suspension of the payment of refunds to the Customers until the shortfall of $311.96 per customer is recovered.

               Date Issued:

      August 29, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 20 (2000-2001)


Application for approval of an amendment to Order  P. U. 19 (1999-2000) pursuant to Sections 41 (3) (b) and 76

of the Act.


Approval granted

1.  Pursuant to Section 41 (3) of the Act, the Board approves:

(i)                 the upgrade to the generation and distribution facilities at Charlottetown;

(ii)               the additional generation and fuel storage capacity at Davis Inlet; and

(iii)             changes to the diesel plant substation transformer capacity at Black Tickle at a cost of $1,404,600.

2.Order P. U. 19 (1999-2000), as amended by Orders No. P. U. 9 & 16 (2000-2001), is hereby amended, mutatis mutandis.  

               Date Issued:

      August 30, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 21 (2000-2001)


Application for approval to decommission the diesel generating station at La Poile.


Approval granted, as resulted, as a result of a meeting of the Board.        

               Date Issued:

      September 8, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 22 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) for a line extension to serve Seasonal Customers at Goulds Big Pond, off the Trans Canada Highway near Roaches Line.


Approval granted, pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act for a CIAC in the amount of Nine thousand four hundred sixty-five dollars and ninety-four cents ($9,465.94), including HST, as calculated under the Policy.

Date Issued:

      September 27, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 23 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) for a line extension.


Approval granted,.

Date Issued:

      September 27, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 24 (2000-2001)


               Application for approval of:

(a)          (i) its 2001 capital budget; (ii) approving leases for 2001 in excess of $5,000 per year; and (iii) approving; and

(b)          (i) fixing and determining  its average rate base for 1999 in the amount of $505,688,000;  (ii) approving its revised forecast average rate base for 2000 in the amount of $518,724,000; and (iii) approving its forecast average rate base for 2001 in the amount of $526,065,000; and

(c)          approving revised values for rate base and invested capital for use in the automatic adjustment formula (the “Automatic Adjustment Formula”) for the calculation of return on rate base for 2001 pursuant to Order No. P.U. 16 and 36 (1998-99) and No. P.U. 18 (1999-2000).


Approval of the Applicant’s capital budget in the amount of $39,109,000, inter alia, as a result of a hearing of the Board

Date Issued:

      October 6, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 25 (2000-2001)


         On the Board’s Own Initiative

Finalization of rates applicable to the Island Industrial Customers of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, approved on an Interim basis pursuant to Order No. P. U. 23 (1999-2000)


1.       Hydro is ordered to file a general rate application no later than May 1, 2001 (the “Rate Application”) using forecast data.

2.       In preparing the Rate Application, Hydro will use the Generic Methodology

3.       Industrial rates will be finalized pursuant to a hearing based upon the Rate Application

4.       The interim rates approved by Order No. P. U. 23 (1999-2000) are hereby extended to December 31, 2001.

5.       By November 30, 2000 Hydro will file with the Board a schedule (i.e., a “critical path”), indicating significant milestones and activities it must undertake in order to file the Rate Application by May 1, 2001.

6.       The Board will be requesting progress reports from Hydro from time to time as to the progress made in reference to the schedule filed with the Board.

7.       The Board will grant Newfoundland Power Inc. and the Industrial Customers intervenor status in the Rate Application.

8.       The schedule and progress reports to be filed by Hydro will also be provided by Hydro to Newfoundland Power Inc and the Industrial Customers.

Date Issued:

      October 27, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 26 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) for a line extension.


Approval granted.

Date Issued:

      October 31, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 27 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) for a line extension to serve seasonal customers located near Loon Pond, off Deer Park Road, Salmonier Line pursuant to Section 41 (5) of the Act.


Approval granted pursuant to Section 41 (5) of the Act for a contribution in aid of construction in the amount of Two thousand seven hundred eighty-one dollars and fifty-six cents ($2,781.56), including HST, per customer as calculated under the Policy.

Date Issued:

      October 31, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 28 (2000-2001)


      Application for an Order rescinding Order No. P. U. 19 (2000-2001), pursuant to Section 76 of the Act, and approving a contribution in aid of construction for a line extension to serve seasonal customers located in an area known as Second Junction Pond, Jack’s Pond and Whelan’s Pond near Brigus Junction pursuant to Section 41 (5) of the Act.


Approval granted

1.Pursuant to Section 76 of the Act, Order No. P. U. 19 (2000-2001) is rescinded, and

2. Pursuant to Section 41 (5) of the Act

(i)     for a contribution in aid of construction in the amount of Five thousand sixty dollars and forty-six cents ($5,060.46), including HST, per customer as calculated under the Policy, and

(ii)   the suspension of the payment of refunds to the customers until the shortfall is recovered.

Date Issued:

      October 31, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 29 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction for a line extension.


Approval granted.

Date Issued:

      October 31, 2000



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 30 (2000-2001)


      In the matter of an automatic adjustment mechanism to adjust the rates of Newfoundland Power Inc., based on variations in rate base as established by the Board in Order No. 16 (1998-99) and Order No. P. U. 36 (1998-99).


1.       Pursuant to Order No. P. U. 36 (1998-99) there shall be no change in electrical rates charged by the Company for the year 2001; and

2.       The allowable rate of return for the Company for the year 2001 shall remain within the range of 10.10% to 10.46%.

As a result of a meeting of the Board Panel

Date Issued:

      November 28, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 31 (2000-2001)


Application for approval of:

a.       its 2001 Capital Budget pursuant to S. 41(1) of the Act;

b.       its 2001 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000 pursuant to S. 41 (3) (a) of the Act;

c.       its leases for 2001 in excess of the Act; and

d.      its estimated contribution in aid of construction for 2001 pursuant to S. 41 (5) of the Act..


Approval of the Applicant’s capital budget for 2001 in the amount of $54,681,000, inter alia, as  a result of a hearing of the Board.       

Date Issued:

      December 18, 2000



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 32 (2000-2001)


Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) for the supply of three-phase primary electrical service to the Hammerdown Gold Mine site near King’s Point, Newfoundland


Approval granted for a contribution in aid of construction in the amount of Sixty-eight thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars ($68,435.00), plus HST, as calculated under the Policy.     

               Date Issued:

      January 12, 2001



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 33 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of of (i) revised distribution line cost per metre for CIACs; (ii) revised distribution plant upgrade cost for CIACs; and (iii) revised CIAC cost factors.


Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a meeting of the Board.

Date Issued:

      January 12, 2001



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 34 (2000-2001)


      Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction for a line extension to serve the Town of Pouch Cove.


Approval granted pursuant to Section 41 (5) of the Act for a contribution in aid of construction in the amount of  Thirty-four thousand eight hundred eighty-six dollars and sixty-nine cents ($34,886.69) including HST, as calculated under the Policy.

Date Issued:

      January 12, 2001



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 35 (2000-2001)


Application for relief from the statutory obligation to supply electrical energy pursuant to Section 54(4) of the Public Utilities Act.


Approval granted, as follows:

1.       Pursuant to Section 54(4) of the Act, the Applicant is relieved from the obligation to provide electrical service to the Customer in the circumstances set out in the letter of arrangement between the Applicant and the Customer dated December 20, 2000 and attached as Schedule A and as accepted by the Customer as set out in Schedule B to this Order, except that the Applicant shall give the Customer at least twenty-four hours notice prior to disconnecting the Customer’s electrical service for failure to comply with the terms and conditions set out in Schedule A.

2.      This Order shall govern the provision of electrical service by the Applicant to the Customer until such time as the Customer complies with the requirements of the Customer Deposit Policy of the Applicant as approved by the Board.

Date Issued:

      February 8, 2001



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 36 (2000-2001)


Ex Parte Application for approval, pursuant to Section 41 of the Act, for the lease of upgrades to certain computer equipment.


1.       The Applicant’s proposed lease for the disk upgrade for the IBM AS/400 Development Computer is hereby approved.

2.       PU 19(1999-2000) is hereby amended such that the amount of $103,000 previously approved shall be excluded from the approved expenditures for 2000 and not allowed as a carryover to 2001.

3.       The Applicant shall file an amended Section D “2001Leasing Costs” to form part of the 2001 Capital Budget as approved by Order No. P.U. 31 (2000-2001)

               Date Issued:

      February 22, 2001



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                            P.U. 37 (2000-2001)


For an Order, pursuant to Sections 58 and 80 and all other enabling powers of the Act and Orders of the Board, approving the disposition of revenue credited to the Applicant’s excess revenue account through a rebate to customers.


1.       The balance in the Excess Revenue Account, as at December 31, 2000, of $6,733,000 be rebated to customers; together with HST of $1,010,000, through a one-time credit to each of its customers on their April 2001 electric service bills of 1.90% of the customer’s total billing amounts on electric service bills issued during the period January 2000 to December 2000.

2.       The Applicant file with the Board on or before June 30, 2001 a report showing the actual disposition by rate class of the Excess Revenue Account and any amounts not distributed.

3.       The Applicant file with the Board in advance of the first April billing in which the rebate will be credited , a copy  of  the Customer Information Pamphlet as well as copies of any other public communiqué or press release to be distributed in connection with this matter.

4.       The Applicant  shall pay the expenses of the Board arising out of this application.

Date Issued:

      March 15, 2001



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 38 (2000-2001)


Request for an amendment to Paragraph 1 of Order No. PU 25 (2000-2001) to extend the date for the filing of a General Rate Application from May 1, 2001 to May 31, 2001; 


1.             Paragraph 1 of Order No. P.U. 25 (2000-2001) be and it is hereby amended to extend the date for the filing of a General Rate Application from May 1, 2001 to May 31, 2001.

2.             Hydro is required to provide progress reports commencing March 23, 2001 and bi-weekly thereafter as to the progress made in meeting the timelines set by the Rate Hearing Schedule filed previously with the Board.  At the same time, Hydro shall also advise the Board of any issues which may affect the Rate Hearing Schedule and an explanation as to how Hydro intends to overcome these issues.   

Date Issued:

      March 16, 2001



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                           P.U. 39 (2000-2001)


      Contribution in aid of construction for the supply of single-phase electrical service to the Deadman’s Cove Ecotourism Park for the Town of Harbour Breton.


      Pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act, the Board approves the CIAC in the amount of Twenty-nine thousand, eight hundred and eight dollars ($29,808.00), including HST, for the supply of single-phase primary electrical service to the RV site and Convenience Store at Deadman’s Cove Ecotourism Park, Harbour Breton, Newfoundland.

Date Issued:

      March 28, 2001




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